Penetration Test

The most precise method to estimate your organization’s information security stance is to examine how it stands up against a cyber-attack. IZA Technologies provides two main approaches to tackle internal and external cyber security threats, Vulnerability Assessment & penetration testing.

A Vulnerability Assessment is a process of identifying, quantifying, and prioritizing the vulnerabilities in a system. Vulnerability Assessment offers a way to find system backdoors, malicious code and other threats that may exist in a network, operating system or applications.

A Penetration Test is a service where we simulate a real-world attack on network and computer systems using real-world tools and techniques in order to find security weaknesses.

During penetration testing, we simulate an attempt at breaching your security so that you can fully appreciate the risks and the potential consequences of an intrusion. We identify specific risks to your business systems and data and provide proven mitigation strategies.

Our approach involves an active analysis on system design, operational strength and weaknesses, technical flaws, vulnerabilities and poor system configuration.

IZA Technologies proven, quantifiable, real-world approach to analyzing security risk to infrastructure, applications, and employees is a core strategy for protecting our client’s data, privacy, and reputation. We offer expertise in network and application vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, application security, wireless penetration testing, mobile App, social engineering, and compliance.

Our comprehensive report includes vulnerabilities and also recommend the best methods to secure the environment based on your unique internal business requirements and industry best practices.

  • Information Gathering - is an information gathering techniques and tools designed for extracting metadata of public documents (pdf .doc .xls .ppt .odp .ods) available in the target/victim websites.
  • Network Mapping - Is the process of gathering information in order to identify and understand the internal working of systems? It is important.
  • To determine what the network looks like logically, understand the information and construct network map
  • To find out available resource and processing time.
  • To identify weaknesses.